State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula (SAEF1) Grants

Fiscal Year of Award:


Original Award Date:

June 30, 2023

Award Type:


Award Status:


View Full Press Release

Original Opportunity Notice: FOA-ETA-23-09

The U.S. Department of Labor awarded nearly $66 million in State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula Grants to 46 states to increase their ability to serve, improve and strategically expand their Registered Apprenticeship programs and pre-apprenticeships leading to Registered Apprenticeships to enhance the National Apprenticeship system. These awards include annual formula funding to 46 states and territories and additional funding to seven states committed to increasing sustainability and substantially increasing the total number and diversity of Registered Apprentices and RAPs within their state in in-demand industry sectors such as advanced manufacturing, cybersecurity, infrastructure and clean energy, education, care and others.

The State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula grants will help states embed diversity, equity, job quality and sustainability into the National Apprenticeship system and create new opportunities for innovation, engagement and accessibility in states’ Registered Apprenticeship programs.

Awardee information
AwardeeLocationService AreaAward AmountDetails
Alaska Workforce Investment Board View Abstract (PDF) Juneau, AKAK$342,148.00
Arizona Department of Economic Security View Abstract (PDF) Phoenix, AZAZ$678,091.00
Arkansas Department of Commerce, Office of Skills Development (OSD) View Abstract (PDF) Little Rock, ARAR$532,250.00
Colorado Department of Labor and Employment - Apprenticeship Colorado View Abstract (PDF) Denver, COCO$669,574.00
Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH) View Abstract (PDF) Concord, NHNH$2,909,779.00
District of Columbia Department of Employment Services (DOES) View Abstract (PDF) Washington, DCDC$461,696.00
Delaware Department of Labor/Division of Employment & Training (DOL/DET) View Abstract (PDF) Wilmington, DEDE$337,102.00
Guam Department of Labor View Abstract (PDF) Hagatna, GUGU$265,656.00
Hawaiʻi State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) View Abstract (PDF) Honolulu, HIHI$485,001.00
Idaho Department of Labor View Abstract (PDF) Boise, IDID$373,520.00
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity View Abstract (PDF) Chicago, ILIL$1,308,613.00
Iowa Workforce Development View Abstract (PDF) Des Moines, IAIA$669,827.00
Kansas Office of Apprenticeship (KOA) View Abstract (PDF) Topeka, KSKS$5,916,920.00
Maine Department of Labor (MDOL) View Abstract (PDF) Augusta, MEME$334,938.00
Maryland Department of Labor, Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning View Abstract (PDF) Baltimore, MDMD$6,000,000.00
Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor & Workforce Development (EOLWD) Division of Apprentice Standards (DAS) View Abstract (PDF) Boston, MAMA$920,638.00
Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity, Employment and Training View Abstract (PDF) Lansing, MIMI$1,159,305.00
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) View Abstract (PDF) St. Paul, MNMN$806,738.00
Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development View Abstract (PDF) Jefferson City, MOMO$956,863.00
Montana Registered Apprenticeship Program (MRAP) / Montana Department of Labor and Industry (MTDLI) View Abstract (PDF) Helena, MTMT$354,783.00
Nevada Office of the Labor Commissioner View Abstract (PDF) Las Vegas, NVNV$510,539.00
New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development View Abstract (PDF) Trenton, NJNJ$853,027.00
New York State Department of Labor View Abstract (PDF) Albany, NYNY$6,000,000.00
North Carolina Community College System View Abstract (PDF) Raleigh, NCNC$918,315.00
North Dakota Department of Public Instruction View Abstract (PDF) Bismarck, NDND$3,720,000.00
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) - ApprenticeOhio View Abstract (PDF) Columbus, OHOH$1,317,791.00
Oklahoma Department of Commerce View Abstract (PDF) Oklahoma City, OKOK$433,468.00
Pennsylvania Apprenticeship and Training Office (ATO) View Abstract (PDF) Harrisburg, PAPA$1,243,585.00
Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Commerce View Abstract (PDF) San Juan, PRPR$357,623.00
Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training View Abstract (PDF) Cranston, RIRI$353,679.00
South Carolina State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education (Apprenticeship Carolina™) View Abstract (PDF) Columbia, SCSC$641,423.00
South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation View Abstract (PDF) Pierre, SDSD$308,653.00
State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards View Abstract (PDF) Madison, WIWI$806,379.00
Technical College System of Georgia View Abstract (PDF) Atlanta, GAGA$927,223.00
Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Office of Apprenticeship (SAA) View Abstract (PDF) Nashville, TNTN$746,158.00
Texas Workforce Commission View Abstract (PDF) Austin, TXTX$2,196,320.00
The Kentucky Office of Employer & Apprenticeship Services (OEAS) View Abstract (PDF) Frankfort, KYKY$555,901.00
The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services View Abstract (PDF) Cheyenne, WYWY$283,754.00
Utah Department of Workforce Services View Abstract (PDF) Salt Lake City, UTUT$5,353,088.00
Vermont Department of Labor View Abstract (PDF) Montpelier, VTVT$304,977.00
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) View Abstract (PDF) Richmond, VAVA$927,372.00
WA State Department of Labor & Industries View Abstract (PDF) Olympia, WAWA$4,656,656.00
West Virginia Office of Economic Development View Abstract (PDF) Charleston, WVWV$465,113.00