How often must sponsors provide anti-harassment training?

Equal Employment Opportunity

Sponsors should offer anti-harassment training, periodically and as necessary, to ensure that all new apprentices, journeyworkers who mentor apprentices, or other personnel connected with the administration or operation of the apprenticeship program receive training.  In addition, existing apprentices, journeyworkers who mentor apprentices, and other personnel should be periodically reminded of anti-harassment policies via training or other refresher materials.  Anti-harassment training may be provided during the required orientation and periodic information sessions that sponsors must conduct for individuals connected with administration or operation of the apprenticeship program.

We expect that in the course of their normal business practices, some sponsors provide anti-harassment training that covers some or all of what the Office of Apprenticeship regulations require.  Sponsors may simply modify existing training modules to include the regulations’ training obligation in order to limit time and expense.

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