- Program Sponsor Orientation
- RAPIDS Overview Demonstration
- RAPIDS Program Sponsor User Guide
- Providing Reasonable Accommodations
- Creating and Implementing Affirmative Action Plans
- Understanding the Affirmative Action Plan Builder
- The Role of Mentorship in Registered Apprenticeship Programs
- Developing Quality Pre-Apprenticeship Programs
- Promoting Worker Mental Health and Wellness
- Integrating Industry-Recognized Credentials in Registered Apprenticeship Programs
- Apprenticeship Regulations and Guiding Documents
- Apprenticeship Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance
- Understanding Apprenticeship Program Reviews
- Understanding Davis Bacon
- Generating Davis-Bacon Certifications in RAPIDS
- Understanding Federal Youth Labor Laws for Sponsors
- State Youth Labor Laws and Additional Federal Guidance for Sponsors
- Training Techniques and Adult Learning Styles
- Promoting an Anti-Harassment Environment
- Equal Employment Opportunity in Registered Apprenticeship
- EEO Requirements for Registered Apprenticeship Programs with Five or More Apprentices
- Meeting EEO Requirements through Affirmative Action Programs
- Anti-Harassment and EEO Complaints
- GI Bill Benefits to Registered Apprenticeship Sponsors
- The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) from the Sponsor Perspective
- State Tax Credits and Tuition Support
- Hire Veterans
- Expanding Outreach and Recruitment to Underrepresented Populations
- Implementing Effective Outreach and Recruitment in RAPs
- Universal Outreach Tool Tutorial
- How to Use the Occupation Finder
- Apprenticeship Occupation Request Tool and Process
This module is designed to provide a brief orientation for sponsors on some of the responsibilities associated with successfully operating and administrating a Registered Apprenticeship program. The presentation provides some best practices related to running an apprenticeship program, including tips related to onboarding apprentices, sponsor recordkeeping, and mentorship.
This module provides the Sponsor with an overview of the Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System (RAPIDS). Sponsors will become familiar with the components of RAPIDS and how to navigate within the system.
This link provides a RAPIDS user guide for program sponsors.
This module describes reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities and provides specific examples of reasonable accommodations in different industries and occupations. The module also addresses how to collaborate with the Office of Disability Services.
This learning module explains how to create Affirmative Action Plans (AAPs) and implement them in Registered Apprenticeship (RA) programs. The module also presents case studies of RA programs that successfully implemented affirmative action efforts and how their programs have benefited.
This demonstration video provides an overview of the Affirmative Action Builder. Sponsors are required to develop Affirmative Action Plans if they 1) have 5 or more apprentices and 2) do not already have an approved EEO plan in place.
This module introduces how mentorship is essential to registered apprenticeship programs. Best practices for selecting, training, and supporting mentors are included to support registered apprenticeship program sponsors and participating employers.
This module offers sponsors an overview of guidelines for quality pre-apprenticeship program issued by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. The module helps sponsors understand how to implement quality pre-apprenticeship programs and develop a pipeline for their registered apprenticeship programs.
This module emphasizes the importance of worker mental health and wellness in registered apprenticeship programs and offers best practices for fostering a healthy, safe, and stigma-free work environment.
This module summarizes regulations and guiding documents of which registered apprenticeship programs are grounded, including the National Apprenticeship Act and the key regulatory provisions as outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations on Apprenticeship in 29 CFR 29 and 29 CFR 30.
This link provides a list of national apprenticeship legislation guiding apprenticeship throughout the United States.
This 20-minute video will provide a high-level overview of the program review process to help sponsors prepare for program reviews.
This microlearning introduces the Davis-Bacon Act and the impact of its standards on registered apprenticeship programs. Designed to be completed in 15-20 minutes, the training aims to clarify what is required to uphold Davis-Bacon standards in registered apprenticeship programs. The module includes relevant scenarios and guidance for working with partners to implement standards.
This module guides sponsors with contracts governed by the Davis-Bacon Act on using RAPIDS to obtain Davis-Bacon certifications for apprentices and offers best practices for this process. This guidance is essential for sponsors reliant on Davis-Bacon Act-related funding to ensure compliance with the regulations.
This module provides sponsors with a basic understanding of strategies that support registered apprenticeship opportunities for youth and the legal requirements, safety, and other factors to consider when hiring employees under the age of 18.
This module provides information for sponsors enrolling or looking to enroll youth in their programs. This module looks at restrictions on hours worked, youth labor laws at the state level, and additional guidance for partners in the apprenticeship ecosystem.
This course will educate vocational-technical instructors and subject matter experts on adult learning principles and styles, the role and expectations of an instructor, effective training strategies in various environments, and instructional promising practices.
This training addresses harassment in any company, emphasizing that it can happen to anyone. It covers recognizing unlawful behavior, defining harassment, taking appropriate action as a target or witness, reporting incidents, and understanding the consequences of retaliation.
This webinar recording overviews EEO requirements and DOL’s expectations for Registered Apprenticeship sponsors, particularly involving regulations under 29 CFR part 30.
This learning module discusses the additional Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) requirements for Registered Apprenticeship (RA) programs with five or more apprentices.
This module reviews EEO requirements for all Registered Apprenticeship programs. Sponsors will learn about the five universal EEO requirements for RA programs. This will help ensure sponsors are meeting their requirements under 29 CFR part 30.
This roughly 30-minute webinar is intended for intermediaries who work with sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs). After watching, you should be able to recognize unlawful harassment, recall EEO requirements regarding anti-harassment, ensure that RAPs are free from harassment, and understand the rights related to filing a harassment complaint.
This module will provide the regulatory basis and highlight the benefits of GI Bill approval for Sponsors in Registered Apprenticeship. You will learn about the streamlined approval process between the Department of Labor and the Department of Veterans Affairs and learn how to utilize GI Bill Benefits as a recruitment tool for veterans.
The Eligible Training Provider List or ETPL is a statewide repository of training providers eligible to receive WIOA Title I funding to support occupational skills training. Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors are automatically eligible for inclusion on this list, which allows Local Boards to fund the related instruction component of a RAP. Why this is important and how sponsors can participate is the subject of this presentation.
This link offers a list of States that offer tax credits, funding, and other tuition support for hiring Registered Apprentices.
This website outlines the benefits of hiring a veteran for a registered apprenticeship program.
This module discusses how to create successful outreach and recruitment plans to reach apprentices from underserved communities.
This training will review EEO requirements for outreach and recruitment, distinguish between universal and target outreach and recruitment, summarize EEO requirements for apprentice selection, and identify required records for collection maintenance.
This tutorial provides a demonstration of the Web based Universal outreach tool. This tool provides a simple method to identify resource that may be able to assist sponsors with both general and targeted outreach to potential apprenticeship applicants.
This module provides a tutorial for using the Occupation Finder to search for registered and non-registered occupations.
This module introduces learners to the Apprenticeship Occupation Request (AOR) tool and the process for submitting a new occupation request.
Contact us with questions or for more information at raacademy@dol.gov