ApprentiTech Connect with Bakersfield College x OpenClassrooms

Event Details

Host Organization:




Host Org. Industry(s):

Healthcare | Utilities | Public Service | IT/Cybersecurity

Event Information:

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Event Description

Join us for an exciting job-matching event at Bakersfield College. You’ll have the opportunity to interview 4 - 6 apprentice candidates for each of your open tech and marketing roles. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided! There will be up to 6 rounds of 15-minute interviews for each open role. In order to ensure you meet the highest quality candidates, we ask that you fill out the registration form thoroughly. PLEASE NOTE: We ask that you register one individual per each job opening who will serve as the recruiter. The intent is for each recruiter to interview 4 - 6 students per each open role. For example, if you need 1 Data Analyst and 1 Digital Marketer, you would need two recruiters. Each of them would fill out the registration for their open role. If you have 2 of the same roles open, the instructions are the same, you would need 2 recruiters from your organization to register and attend the event to interview candidates for each position. See you there!