Education and Youth

Event Details

Host Organization:

National ECE Workforce Center & ECEPTS

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Event Description

By participating in the Foundational TA Series, you will be able to:

Use the five policy areas in the Early Childhood Workforce Index to identify leadership needs and interests to advance transformative early childhood workforce policies, practices, and programs.​

And, apply effective processes and levers (e.g., networks, beneficiary voice, and data) to tailor strategies to transform the ECE workforce.

Over the course of the series, you will hear about leadership processes and levers that lead to action. Leaders will hear how using multiple data sources and working with others can shift policies, practices, and programs and tailor strategies to transform the early childhood workforce. States and the National ECE Workforce Center's collaborating partners will also share successful strategies aligned with the five policy areas of the Index.

The Foundational TA Series has been intentionally designed as an extended learning opportunity with a specific scope and sequence of learning experiences that build on each other over the course of the series. Your learning will be best supported by attending all 6 webinars in the series. This registration is for the series as a whole. However, we recognize that you may have to miss one or two webinars over the course of the series. Recordings of each webinar will be available to you so that you can catch up on missed content before joining the next webinar.